Giant’s gold Coin and Magic Boot

This morning Giraffe and Monkey class received some unusual objects in the post.

Giraffe class open their package to find a gold coin with a giant’s face on it!

20180305_133304Monkey class opened their package to find a giant’s magic boot! Both packages had a note inside saying ‘Keep it safe. I will contact you soon’. Monkey class decided to keep the boot hidden in the classroom and wrote notes to make sure no one touched it.

If they belong to you or if you know who they belong to please let us know.

Reception Newsletter 15.1.18


Creative This week we are continuing with the topic of dinosaurs. As part of our whole school Talk for Writing scheme we are learning 3 facts about a T-Rex. The children will come home at the end of the week with a Story Map to help them remember the facts. We are sure they will enjoy telling you all about the facts they have learnt using the story map.
Maths This week we are recognising and ordering numbers to 10 and then to 20.

Put the numbers to 10/20 on post-it notes. Can your child order them?

Phonics Phase 3 phonics. This week we are learning the /y/z/zz/qu. We are also practicing segmenting simple CVC (three letter) words and writing them. Can your child say what an object is, segment the word and then write it? For example: /h/a/t.

Can we politely ask that unless asked by a member of staff adults do not open the gate into the Early Years area in the morning. This is to ensure that all areas are safe before the children enter the outdoor area and classrooms.

Did your child do anything over the Christmas holidays that they/you would like to be recorded in their learning journey? Please email with any information or photos you would like to share.

Weekly Newsletter

Reception Weekly Newsletter

Week beginning: Monday 20th November

Creative This week we are continuing with the theme of The Gruffalo and learning the Gruffalo song. On Wednesday the classes will receive a letter with a challenge in it for them. We can’t wait to see what the children produce and how they rise to the challenge!
Maths This week we are practising number recognition, first to 10 and then to 20. Many children can recognise their numbers to 10 when they are in order but find it more challenging to name the numeral once it is out of order. To help your child practise look for numbers outside, in books and magazines.
Phonics Phase 2 phonics. This week we will learn the /h/, /b/, /f/, /ff/ and /l/ sounds. The children are doing brilliant work in phonics and are really enjoying finding sounds they recognise. To support your child practice blending the sounds in simple words like /c/ /a/ /t/ together. Can they hear the word once the sounds are segmented?
Messages; We would like to thank you all for your support reading with the children at home. It is very encouraging to see the children in both classes wanting to read words independently – it is lovely to see their confidence growing.

                    Reception Newsletter

                                         Week beginning: Monday 13th November


Creative This week is Book Week so we will be sharing The Gruffalo. We are going to learn The Gruffalo song using a story map to help us to remember it (later in the week you could ask your child to show you the story map and sing the song when you bring them in).
Maths We are continuing to practise adding 2 amounts of objects together and working out how many we have altogether.
Phonics Phase 2 phonics. This week we will look at ‘u’,’r’,’h’ and ‘b’. We will also learn ‘to’,’the’ and ‘in’ (words that we see all the time in books).We will be playing games to encourage sound recognition.
Messages; As Giraffes and Monkeys have settled into their Reception classes now, please could they leave their toys at home in the mornings (unless it is something really special they need to share with us).

Look for numbers outside,ask questions such as ‘how many bricks can you see? Or ‘how many fence poles,telegraph poles etc’.

Please use this or, alternatively, you can email with any information or photos you would like to share. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Child’s Name ………………………………………………………          Date …………………………………………………………

Please tell us about the activity or achievement your child has completed at home.